Crafting Effective Follow-Up Emails: 3 Proven Templates for Improved Conversion


email marketing


Unlocking the secret to crafting a highly effective follow-up email template can significantly enhance your conversion rates. Fortunately, you don't have to search far and wide because we've compiled the perfect template right here in this article. How did we achieve this feat? By meticulously analyzing data from millions of lemlist cold outreach campaigns, we've developed step-by-step instructions based on real-world insights. These nine templates have been repeatedly tested by Outreach Pros, yielding impressive reply rates ranging from 42% to 67%. In essence, we've cracked the code on what truly works. Now, it's your turn to benefit from this knowledge. Use this comprehensive guide to unlock more replies from your cold outreach campaigns or any cold email follow-up, and propel your success to new heights.
What's on this page:

How to follow-up after no response?

Consistent follow-up is a cornerstone of successful sales outreach, essential for nurturing relationships and driving conversions. Even if a prospect hasn’t responded to your initial email, it’s crucial to circle back with a polite and succinct follow-up message. This approach has been proven to significantly boost reply rates and increase the likelihood of closing deals. To ensure your follow-up is actionable, keep your message concise and focused on adding value to the recipient. While it’s natural to worry about being perceived as pushy, it’s important to remember that lack of response doesn’t necessarily equate to disinterest. By maintaining a persistent yet respectful approach, you demonstrate your commitment to meeting your prospect’s needs and moving the sales process forward.

In today’s competitive landscape, effective follow-up is more than just a courtesy; it’s a strategic imperative. Don’t hesitate to send that follow-up email and keep the lines of communication open with your prospects. By staying top of mind and offering valuable insights or solutions, you increase your chances of eliciting a response and ultimately closing the deal. So, take action today and make follow-up a priority in your sales outreach efforts.

How many email follow-ups is it OK send?

Have you ever wondered how many times you should follow up with someone after sending an email? It’s a common question, especially when you’re eager to get a response. But there are various reasons why your initial email might not have received a reply. Maybe the recipient forgot to respond, or perhaps your message didn’t quite hit the mark in terms of clarity. It’s also possible that your email didn’t reach the decision-maker within the company, leaving you hanging without a response.

To help answer this question, we decided to dive into the data. We analyzed millions of cold email campaigns to see how many follow-ups yielded the best results. And guess what? The findings are in, and they might surprise you. According to research, sending between 4 and 9 polite follow-up emails seems to be the sweet spot. This number maximizes your chances of getting a response without annoying the recipient or risking your emails getting flagged as spam.

Why 4-9 follow-ups?

The decision to send 4-9 follow-up emails is rooted in data-backed insights that shed light on optimal email outreach strategies. Research indicates that the most favorable reply rates typically occur after the initial email in a sequence. As the number of emails in the sequence increases, the average reply rate per email steadily declines, reaching a plateau after approximately 12 emails. However, despite this decrease in individual reply rates, the cumulative reply rate for the entire campaign continues to rise.

It’s crucial to note that while follow-up emails play a vital role in engaging prospects, there’s a point of diminishing returns. Continuously bombarding recipients with follow-ups beyond a certain threshold can yield negligible results and potentially harm your sender reputation. Typically, after 8-9 follow-ups, the incremental impact on reply rates diminishes significantly. Sending additional emails beyond this point may not only yield minimal returns but also run the risk of annoying recipients and damaging your credibility as a sender. Thus, striking the right balance between persistence and restraint is key to optimizing email outreach efforts and maximizing campaign effectiveness.

Everything you need to know about cold email follow-ups

Navigating the world of cold email follow-ups requires addressing three key questions:

  1. how to craft the follow-up email
  2. how many follow-ups to send and in what manner
  3. what subject lines to use.

Let’s delve into each of these inquiries step by step.

How do you write a follow-up email?

When it comes to composing follow-up emails, two primary frameworks are commonly employed: the reminder follow-up and the added value follow-up.

The reminder follow-up serves as a gentle nudge to remind prospects about your previous message, often summarized with key details reiterated or accompanied by engaging content like memes or GIFs. However, it’s crucial to maintain professionalism and relevance to your audience while injecting creativity.

Here’s an example of a “reminder follow-up”:

Hi {{firstName}},

Don’t want to be an annoying bore, so I’m sending a quick follow up and leaving you alone afterward.

That’s a promise. 😉

Take care,

Conversely, the added value follow-up entails gradually offering more information or value with each subsequent email, ensuring each message addresses the prospect’s pain points and contributes to building rapport.

Regardless of the approach taken, striking a balance between providing sufficient information without overwhelming recipients is paramount. An effective follow-up email should resonate with the recipient, fostering a human connection and moving them closer to a meaningful relationship with you. As we explore various follow-up email templates, you’ll witness firsthand how these strategies are put into action, ultimately aiming for higher reply rates and successful outcomes in your cold email campaigns.

How soon should you send a follow-up email?

Determining the timing for follow-up emails is crucial for achieving optimal results in your outreach campaigns. It’s recommended to establish a follow-up schedule based on the number of emails you plan to send (typically 4-9) and the time delay between each email.

  • Balance frequency: Time delays between emails are essential to strike a balance between staying on your prospect’s radar without overwhelming them or fading from memory.
  • Example framework: A typical framework involves a 2-day delay between the first and second emails, followed by a 4-day delay between subsequent emails.
  • Customize for effectiveness: It’s essential to tailor your follow-up schedule to suit your prospects’ preferences. Begin with a standard setup and adjust as needed to find the optimal timing.

Once your schedule is established, it’s crucial to implement a system to cease follow-ups after a prospect responds. For Autopilot users, automating this step is simple; access your campaign settings and specify when to halt the sequence. This ensures that your outreach remains efficient and respectful of your prospect’s time and engagement.

How to write a follow-up email subject line

When composing a follow-up email subject line, remember that it’s the first thing your prospects notice in their inboxes. To optimize your open rate, aim for brevity and impact.

  • Maintain consistency: Keeping the same subject line as the previous email in your sequence ensures all correspondence is neatly organized under a single thread, simplifying tracking for your prospect.
  • Simplify with Autopilot: For Leadinfo Autopilot users, leaving the follow-up subject line blank automatically populates the rest, streamlining the process.

However, there are scenarios where deviating from the original subject line may be beneficial, such as after an in-person meeting or to differentiate the follow-up message from the initial email. In such cases, adhere to these best practices:

  • Keep it concise: Aim for subject lines between 1-8 words to maximize impact.
  • Personalize it: Tailor the subject line to your prospects to increase relevance and engagement.
  • Infuse urgency: Incorporate a sense of urgency to prompt swift replies.
  • Test and refine: Conduct A/B testing to refine your approach and identify the most effective subject lines.

3 free follow-up email template examples

1. Follow-up email example after no response

For individuals navigating the dynamic landscape of marketing, especially those seeking to forge collaborative partnerships, this follow-up email framework offers a strategic blueprint for success. Whether you’re reaching out to potential collaborators, influencers, or industry leaders, this approach provides a structured and effective method for nurturing relationships and advancing mutually beneficial initiatives. By employing this framework, marketers can navigate the complexities of partnership outreach with confidence and precision, ensuring that their follow-up communications are both compelling and respectful of the recipient’s time and priorities.

Subject: Quick Follow-Up: Exciting Opportunity for Collaboration

Hi {{firstName}},

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to touch base regarding my previous email and share some additional insights about the potential collaboration between {{companyName}} and [YOUR COMPANY].

I firmly believe that our partnership has the potential to yield remarkable results for both parties. {{strong Argument}} Moreover, our analysis indicates that this collaboration has the makings of a significant success, likely to garner considerable attention upon its launch.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this opportunity. Please feel free to reach out at your convenience.

Looking forward to connecting soon,

Follow-up email teardown:

  • Seamless Transition: This follow-up email ingeniously references the previous interaction, ensuring a smooth transition that maintains continuity in the conversation. By acknowledging the prior step, it effectively bridges the gap between communications and enhances the recipient’s comprehension and engagement.
  • Personalization Imperative: To leverage this email effectively, meticulous research is paramount. It’s essential to replace the {{strongArgument}} custom tag with a tailored sentence that resonates uniquely with each prospect. Personalization adds a touch of authenticity and relevance, significantly boosting the email’s impact and increasing the likelihood of eliciting a positive response.
2. Sales follow-up email example

If you possess high-quality content that you’re eager to share with your audience, incorporating a personalized video thumbnail strategy can be a game-changer for maximizing your click-through rate. By customizing video thumbnails to align with the interests and preferences of your target audience, you can capture their attention more effectively and entice them to engage with your content. This approach not only enhances the visual appeal of your videos but also creates a sense of connection and relevance, compelling viewers to click through and explore further.

Moreover, personalized video thumbnails offer a unique opportunity to stand out in a crowded digital landscape. By tailoring thumbnails to speak directly to the viewer’s needs and interests, you can differentiate your content from competitors and leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re promoting a product, sharing educational content, or delivering a message, leveraging personalized video thumbnails can significantly elevate your marketing efforts and drive meaningful engagement with your audience.

Subject: Discover the Exciting Franchise Opportunity with Impressius in {{country}}

Hi {{firstName}},

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to express my gratitude for your interest in exploring the possibility of becoming an Impressius licensee!

To provide you with more insights into this exciting opportunity, I’ve created a personalized video message just for you. Simply click the link below to watch it:

[Insert Personalized Video Thumbnail]

I look forward to connecting with you soon to discuss how you can embark on this journey with Impressius.

Warm regards, {{signature}}

Follow-up email teardown:

  • Contextual Reference: This follow-up email expertly incorporates a quick reference to a previous connection, providing valuable context that enhances the recipient’s understanding and engagement. By acknowledging the prior interaction, it establishes a sense of continuity in the conversation and reinforces the relationship between sender and recipient.
  • Personalized Video Message: The inclusion of a personalized video message adds a personalized touch that resonates with recipients on a deeper level. Seeing that the sender has taken the time to create a video specifically for them makes the prospect feel valued and special, fostering a stronger connection and increasing the likelihood of a positive response.
  • Engaging Thumbnail: The use of a personalized video thumbnail serves as a powerful visual cue that grabs the recipient’s attention and piques their curiosity. By showcasing a glimpse of the video content, it entices prospects to click through and discover more, driving higher engagement and interaction rates. This strategy humanizes the communication process, showing prospects that there’s a real person behind the message and encouraging them to explore further.
3. The last follow-up template

This follow-up email is particularly effective when you observe a lack of response from the prospect despite multiple attempts to initiate communication. In such cases, it’s essential to pivot your approach and leverage this follow-up email as a strategic tool to navigate potential roadblocks in the sales process.

Given the recipient’s apparent lack of engagement, it’s plausible that they may not be the appropriate decision-maker within the organization. Therefore, the primary objective of this follow-up is to tactfully position yourself for a direct introduction or referral to the key decision-maker. By shifting the focus from direct engagement to fostering a connection with the decision-maker, you can bypass potential barriers and expedite the progression of your sales efforts. This approach not only demonstrates flexibility and adaptability but also underscores your commitment to establishing meaningful connections and driving positive outcomes in your sales endeavors.

Hi {{firstName}},

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out regarding our recent communication about {{Topic}}.

First and foremost, I apologize if my previous emails have seemed excessive. My intention is to ensure that we connect with the appropriate individual regarding {{Topic}}.

It appears that you may not be the designated contact person for {{Topic}} within your organization. If possible, could you kindly direct me to the appropriate individual who oversees {{Topic}}?

Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Please rest assured that this will be my final email on this matter.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Best regards, {{signature}}

Follow-up email teardown

  • Acknowledgment of Email Volume: This email demonstrates an understanding that multiple emails may have been sent, acknowledging the potential for inbox saturation. By expressing appreciation for the recipient’s patience and continued engagement, it fosters a sense of respect and consideration for their time.
  • Utilization of Custom Tag: The use of the {{topic}} custom tag ensures clarity and precision in communication, making it easy for the recipient to understand the specific subject matter being addressed. This strategic approach streamlines the process of connecting with the appropriate individual within the prospect’s organization, enhancing the likelihood of a prompt and accurate response.
  • Relationship Building: Regardless of the recipient’s response, this message serves as a positive gesture aimed at nurturing future relations. By conveying a respectful and non-intrusive approach, it lays the foundation for future interactions and reinforces the sender’s commitment to establishing meaningful connections based on mutual understanding and cooperation.

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